It’s kind of clever, so that’s the other advantage of using a key to build this preset, rather than doing it one at a time. Rather than manually doing that, it will automatically take whatever color you’ve picked here and put it down here when you use this preset. The thing is you want to pick the key color that you use here when you select the key over here. If you choose Ultra then you can pick a Key Color. Under Advanced Spill Suppressor here there’s two methods We’ll work with the Keylight here on its own. I’ll click the de-select, turn off Key Cleaner and close them down for the time being so you don’t have to all this room taken up. I think the Key Cleaner should be turned off as well, so I’m going to click away and de-select so if I can turn them off it can turn off that one as well.

So I’ll double click on that to apply it to this clip, we’ll see all three of them over here notice that the Advanced Spill Suppressor is turned off by default because you save that for later. Use that instead, you don’t need to use Keylight by itself, use this guy (the preset) instead because it just saves you a couple of steps and also it does kind of a neat little thing, I’ll show you that in a second. Keylight, Key Cleaner, Advanced Spill Suppressor.

You can’t even read the whole title because it’s so long, it lists all three effects. The preset is over here under animation presets, image utilities and there’s the preset.

Since basically folks at After Effects and folks at Adobe know you’re going to use it sooner or later if you’re going to follow a good work flow when you’re working with color correction they have created a preset, how nice. You’re going to work with the Key Cleaner and the Advanced Spill Suppressor. You can go grab that and apply that to the clip but ultimately you’re going to work with two other effects when you are doing keying. You’ll see down here this Keylight 1.2 is the current version. You can go find Keylight over here on its own if I just type in key in the effects and presets panel. The tool that you use to pull a key is called Keylight and Keylight is made by this company, the Foundry,as I mentioned earlier. Note: remember to watch the video tutorial, we wanted to make it easier for you to follow and understand what Jeff teaches you. In today’s post, Jeff will talk about advanced green screen editing in After Effects.